Friday, November 4, 2011

Move On

Happiness may be retro-productive. Happiness inspires a golden-y wallowing, an ineffable complacency. Remember the urgency with which you once studied for competitve exams, the fierce unhappy determination with which you worked through nights, that hermit like calm you imposed on yourself lest you be distracted?
I doubt any of it brought you joy. Triumph yes, chest thumping primal euphoria maybe..but joy? No.

In fact I'm fairly certain that joy takes you back to seamless schooldays under a yellow sun or earthen cups of  shared tea in a corner of some shady park or even lazy afternoons holding someones hand just for the heck of it.Moments that ring with a sort of unbearable sweetness long after their time has passed.

But as treasured and mellow as your experience may be, as fleeting or infinitely precious I doubt it inspired you to focus. Because we all know a vague-life-is-good-may-it-continue focus is not enough, atleast in this state. For us focus has always been cruel and lonely and selfish. Just by virtue of having to trump a nation of similar focii.

Unhappiness on the other hand. I think it works pretty well. Frustration, desperation all those uncomfortable we-all-feel-it-but-prefer-to-be-in-denial emotions, those really light a fire under the ass. Nothing is as conducive to moving on as Dissatisfaction.

May you be Dissatisfied child. May you never find complacency inspiring joy. May you recognize it for the evil that it is and reject it. Stagnation is death.

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